Essential Blacksmithing

This course will teach you the essential blacksmithing skills you need to successfully learn by yourself at home.

Access to information about blacksmithing is easy thanks to forums, social media, and video tutorials. Getting hands-on experience under the guidance of an expert is harder to come by.

A lot of people want to get into blacksmithing - only a very small percentage are successful learning on their own.

Learn more in a day than you would spending a year or two floundering around by yourself. Build muscle memory so you know that you’re hitting right. Get an idea of how metal behaves when different processes are applied.

This course is a very busy day. You’ll be exhausted at the end of it, but you will have set yourself up for success.

First, we teach you the following fundamental skills by having you make a fire poker:

  • using a gas forge
  • selection and use of tongs
  • hammer techniques
  • forging a point
  • flattening metal
  • bending and twisting metal into shapes
  • hardening and softening metal
  • texturing techniques

Once you’ve got those techniques down, you’ll go on to make some essential blacksmithing tools by applying what you have just learnt. You’ll be able to add your own personal touches to these tools, including:

  • punches
  • chisels
  • blacksmith dividers
  • and more depending on time available…

You’ll also have the opportunity to talk to our instructors about forges & anvils, and find out the easiest and cheapest ways to go about acquiring the tools and equipment you need to learn and grow.

The price includes: Tuition, insurance, materials, use of tools, workshop consumables, safety gear, morning and afternoon tea.

You’ll need to bring lunch, make sure long hair is tied back and wear enclosed footwear.


Start Time 8:00 am
Sun 12-03-2023
Finish Time 5:00 pm
Sun 12-03-2023
Capacity 5
Registered 4
Available 1
Price $500
Location Cuppacumbalong

Venue Information - Cuppacumbalong

Cuppacumbalong Homestead is located at 21 Naas Road in Tharwa ACT. Park onsite at bottom of the driveway. Fridge and microwave available for storing and reheating lunches.

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Location Map

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